Secret of the Aurora — Dynastic Shift in the Metaphysical World in 2017

Many people have heard of the aurora borealis. Perhaps you have seen it yourself, either in person or online. But do you know the origin of the aurora? Scientists have their own claims, but their's are but one explanation amongst many.
Luckily, I heard about the secret of the aurora, which involves great changes in the universe in recent years - or, more precisely, in the metaphysical world, or cosmic reality.
Humanity is completely ignorant of this great shift. I am deeply sorry I have no way to prove its existence, for I speak only in accordance with what I myself have heard. I hope now to pass it on to the rest of humanity.
In 2017, the metaphysical world experienced a dynastic shift. From the original Dharma Realm (法界), came the replacing Upper Eternal Stratum (上永恆) and Lower Eternal Stratum (下永恆). Our planet belongs to the Lower Eternal Stratum. This has nothing to do with the politics of mankind, yet it still has potential impacts on humanity. But if we can perceive this change, we can gradually make it become concrete in our own lives and minds.


★Pre-shift aurora is the Dharmakāya; the five different colors represent its five different levels

 vedio :
[veluriyam light on earth]下永恆運行系列 :極光的祕密 Aurora Secret——2017年改朝換代的宇宙實相


The aurora lights in the above photos are the glorious, empowering sights of the "One Billion Praises of the Tathagata". The five colors - white, green, blue, red, gold - are the levels of the Dharmakaya, but are not the Eternal Stratum's soul of enforcement. It is the level of the ruler of the cosmos that is this soul, that is the supreme Dharmakaya.
照片的極光是之前“十億尊一切如來”助戰的榮景,有白光、綠光、藍光、紅光、金光是祂的位階,極光只是法身而已,還不是永恆的執法靈體, 要到宇宙主宰的位階才屬永恆的靈體,是高法身。
Before the shift, the aurora was the manifestation of the Dharmakāya. It no longer is. Previously the auroras were more intense (Picture 1); now, they are more gentle (Figure 2). Now the auroras are not the Dharmakaya or supreme Dharmakaya. The luminosity of the current auroras is significantly different than that of the past aurora's; humans can now only see this.


Why have the heavens (metaphysical world)given this message to humanity?

Hopefully Earth's natural disasters will end soon so that all will understand the shift described above has occurred, that the Lower Eternal Stratum has come. There are outstanding people who have worked tirelessly for the Lower Eternal Stratum. Hopefully all can hold hearts of gratitude and protect and love the earth.

希望地球災難趕快結束,讓大家知道 上面確實已改朝換代,換成下永恆了。有高人沿路拼命才有下永恆,希望大家抱著感恩的心,珍愛地球。

“A planet that has undergone catastrophes" and “The planet's residents who are unaware of such catastrophes"

Around 2011 to 2017, the Earth experienced several major dangers, including the end of the world in 2012, the X planetary event, the lack of solar energy and other issues. But humanity seems to be unaware of the seriousness of these events.
Maybe some people believe: the earth is still here, what is this talk of apocalypse? But many things are not as simple as what our eyes can see, especially when it comes to the metaphysical world. To give an example, imagine there was a stone flying over you, but it was intercepted halfway by someone. According to what we have seen we think there is no stone flying toward us, but the actual situation is not so; this is also true of Earth's disasters. In recent years, the earth has experienced several major disasters, but each was resolved by an outstanding person. Thus we can easily ignore the seriousness of these disasters, and even mistakenly think that there is no disaster.
(This outstanding person is not a religious person, nor one who believes that he himself is great, but is in fact a down-to-earth practitioner. Of course he is also not one who disappears in the event of a disaster, and comes out to take credit after the disaster has been quelled.)
Now that this outstanding person has made the greatest effort for the survival of the earth, then so should we, as people of the planet, contribute to this earth.
Although the earth is now alive, what does the future hold? The universe's masters message is: look at the good fortune of humanity. Whether the future of the earth is good or bad, is to exist or to die, all of this depends on the efforts of humanity.

If more and more people are committed to becoming good, then the earth lean towards positive development, and we can expect its continued existence. On the contrary, if humanity supports or fights for greed, power, desire, violence, lust and the like, we accelerate the earth's demise.
In truth, the existence of the earth amidst the cosmos is quite negligible. To speak  metaphorically the earth seems to be a sector of little importance and contribution. It is also a sector that has faced the crisis of destruction. In all honesty, as beings of earth, if ourselves do not cherish it, how can we expect other galaxies to cherish it?
As for modesty and gratitude, these are lessons that all of us have to learn. We are  negligible, but paradoxically arrogant. I sometimes have committed this mistake as well.

● There are several reasons for today's message to the friends of Earth:


1. To arouse a collective consciousness of the earth. Hopefully earth's friends can work together in the direction of good efforts to amend our own words and deeds, to enhance our minds, and smoothly let us be a part of the Lower Eternal Stratum. Irregardless of the connection with the Lower Eternal Stratum and its effect on the individual's spiritual level, we still live on the earth, though the corresponding dimension is different.

2. To remind everyone: we are all actually in the same boat. Humans have always struggled to get along, always created opposition and struggle. Throughout the history of mankind wars have continued endlessly. Even today, big countries suppress small countries, or try to swallow them. Why does the big country not hold the position of well-wisher and get along with other countries? Even with the most basic education, we still see this phenomenon of bullying. It makes one think: there are still many people who don't understand the concept of respect.

However, have we thought of the question: if the earth really did cease to exist in a crisis, what exactly are we fighting with each other? Why not work towards cooperation, towards a common effort to improve? Earth's disasters are not over, and the above mentioned crises are not alarmist exaggerations. In the Lower Eternal Stratum, we should correct the wrong habits of not getting along. We are in the same boat, and together we face earth's future. Let earthlings use love and peace to protect this hard-won earth.


Edit by Xin Liang謙璽All the one1799)
Translated by Riley Fang


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